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Katie employs sculptures, paintings, and interactive installations to articulate her artistic vision. Her chosen mediums encompass Jesmonite, plaster, clay, metal, watercolour, oil, and traditional Chinese pigments, as well as light and sound. Katie achieved Level 9 in the Chinese Painting Examination, specialising in Landscapes and Flowers/Birds. Passionate about integrating Chinese and Western artistic traditions, she draws inspiration from a wide array of experiences and underscores the importance of artists grappling with contemporary complexities. Understanding the modern spiritual and cultural dilemmas ranks as her foremost priority.

Katie 使用雕塑、绘画和互动装置来表达她的艺术语言。 她的媒介包括杰斯蒙石、石膏、金属、粘土、水彩、油画和中国传统颜料,以及光和声音。Katie 取得了中国文旅部颁发的中国画山水、花鸟专业九级证书。 她热衷于融合中西艺术,从不同的经历中汲取灵感,并强调艺术家思考当代复杂性的重要性。 了解现代精神文化困境是她的首要任务。

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