Katie Poon utilises sculptures, paintings, writings and interactive installations to express her artistic vision. Her selected media span Jesmonite, clay, metal, oil, light and sound. Katie has attained level ten certification in the Chinese Painting Examination, specialising in Landscapes and Flowers/Birds. With a fervent interest in integrating Chinese and Western artistic traditions, she derives inspiration from diverse experiences and emphasises the significance of artists engaging with contemporary complexities. Understanding modern spiritual and cultural dilemmas stands as her primary focus.
Katie Poon 以雕塑、繪畫、文字和互動裝置等多種媒介詮釋她的藝術概念。她的創作涉足諸如傑斯蒙石、黏土、金屬、油畫,甚至光與聲音等廣泛領域。她獲得中國文旅部頒發的中國畫山水、花鳥專業十級證書,展現出對中西藝術的深厚興趣與研究。從各種工作和生活階段汲取靈感,Katie 致力於將不同文化視角融合於創作之中,並強調藝術家應關注當代社會複雜性的重要性。對於探索現代精神文化的困境,她將其視為首要使命。